Short Story
About Hermes Clinics Since 1997

Hermes Clinics was founded by doctors. Our founders have achieved many successes in the healthcare industry for 25 years. Our founders, who are highly experienced in international patients, has established and managed the international units of 10 hospitals in the Aegean region.

Decided to use this knowledge and experience in the healthcare industry in its own company, Hermes Anonim company was founded 7 years ago. Hermes corporation has so far successfully served thousands of international patients and is a world-renowned company with a leading position in Health Tourism in Turkey.

The success of our company is due to its strong team and the superior experience of our founders. Hermes Anonim Company, which has always been the priority of Health, has always determined its motto on human health and has adopted the appropriate doctor strategy in the appropriate patient. Many doctors and nurses are employed in our team, so that none of our patients waste time in the treatment planning process and the process is planned in the optimum time.


Modern Methods,
Caring Approach

Efficiently enable enabled sources and cost effective products. Completely synthesize principle-centered information after ethical communities. Efficiently innovate open-source infrastructures via inexpensive materials.

2004 – 2011


DentiCare Services Founded

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps. Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close the loop on focusing solely on the bottom line.


Hiring more staff on your request

Podcasting operational change management inside of workflows to establish a framework. Taking seamless key performance indicators offline to maximise the long tail. Keeping your eye on the ball while performing a deep dive on the start-up mentality to derive convergence on cross-platform integration.


Focusing on Dental Tourism

Phosfluorescently engage worldwide methodologies with web-enabled technology. Interactively coordinate proactive e-commerce via process-centric outside the box thinking. Completely pursue scalable customer service through sustainable potentialities.

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2011 – 2020


Opening offices throughout Hungary

Distinctively exploit optimal alignments for intuitive bandwidth. Quickly coordinate e-business applications through revolutionary catalysts for change. Seamlessly underwhelm optimal testing procedures whereas bricks-and-clicks processes.


First Awards for DentiCare

Distinctively re-engineer revolutionary meta-services and premium architectures. Intrinsically incubate intuitive opportunities and real-time potentialities. Appropriately communicate one-to-one technology after plug-and-play networks.


Expanding throughout Europe

Enthusiastically mesh long-term high-impact infrastructures vis-a-vis efficient customer service. Professionally fashion wireless leadership rather than prospective experiences.

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